Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Tuesday alleged that the Centre has for the second time in the previous three months, canceled the allotment of the official residence, taking it away from a democratically elected CM.
Speaking to the media over the issue, Atishi alleged that just a night before the Delhi assembly poll announcement, the central government led by the BJP, has once again evicted her from the official residence, which is the residence allotted her in capacity as CM.
Atishi, said that she is undeterred by this, and has vowed to double her efforts to serve the people of Delhi with greater determination.
She said,“They can take away my home, abuse me, and insult my family, but they cannot extinguish the passion in our hearts to serve Delhi.”
She noted that three months ago, the BJP had committed the same act, and added, “When I became the Chief Minister, they removed my belongings and my family’s belongings from the Chief Minister’s residence and threw them onto the street.”
Responding to a query, Atishi said, “Yesterday evening, for the second time in three months, I received a letter from the PWD officials, under orders from the central government, canceling the allotment of Six Flagstaff Road and taking away the house.”
Responding to the development, AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal took to social media and said, “Within three months, BJP again evicted Chief Minister Atishi ji from the Chief Minister’s residence.”
Kejriwal alleged that the saffron party is showing its anger in this manner, while further accused the BJP of resorting to dirty politics, and claimed that it is doing all this as fears defeat in the upcoming polls.
Commenting on the issue, Delhi Minister and senior AAP leader dubbed the same as unprecedented, not only in the country’s democracy, but possibly across the globe.
Bharadwaj alleged,“The BJP has no concern for the people of Delhi. Their sole agenda is to crush the Aam Aadmi Party and its leaders. This shameful act of evicting a Chief Minister is a new low, even for them,” he added.
He alleged that BJP has done something unprecedented in the 75-year history of this country.